For over 40 years we have been supporting Banks of all types and sizes in the evolution of their payment infrastructures. Today the digital disruption and new consumption habits require the Bank to make profound transformations in order to be a protagonist in the era of Open Banking and Instant. We work alongside customers to facilitate the transition to a bank based on the Banking as a Service paradigm, capable of creating fluid products that quickly meet the needs of consumers. Our solutions are modular and customizable, to allow you to adopt only what you actually need, even gradually and in Cloud mode, so as not to remain bound to existing legacy. Our technologies based on APIs and microservices allow for easy integration with your systems and your third parties. Our experience is at your disposal to offer innovative and competitive products on the market.
Discover also our solutions for Banking

Investment Banking
Per te che operi nel mercato dei capitali il nostro Gruppo ha una linea di offerta specializzata che ti supporta negli investimenti in titoli, nella negoziazione per il trading, l’order routing, i sistemi di transaction reporting e le soluzioni di scambio dati tra sistemi di Front office e Back Office.
Scopri le soluzioni e i servizi proposti dalla nostra affiliata Elidata, il Partner ideale per abilitare la digital transformation nella Banca d’Investimento